Insights, Tips, and Tales

What Kind of Ant is This?


What Kind of Ant is This?

Have you ever been standing in your kitchen one day and all of a sudden, you spot a little black ant prancing on the counter? Or have you ever been sitting on your patio enjoying the nice weather, felt a sting, and looked down to see a small red ant looking back at you? There are many different types of ants. Each has a different purpose and are after different things. But unfortunately, they all have the potential to bite. It’s important to be able to identify the different ants you see in and around your home so that you can take the correct preventative measures. Below, we have listed the most common ants, how to identify them, and how to prevent them.

Carpenter Ants

How to Identify Them

Carpenter ants are usually red, black, or both and range from half an inch to ⅝ of an inch in length. They eat through wood, which they use to build their nests. Old wood attracts carpenter ants and wood damage is usually a strong indicator of their presence. You might also find small holes, sawdust, and insect body parts.

How to Prevent Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are attracted to moisture, so a good way to keep them out is by getting rid of all sources of standing water. Like all ants, carpenter ants are small and can come in your home through small cracks. It would be best to seal off all cracks and holes to avoid an infestation. As mentioned before, wood draws in carpenter ants. Avoid leaving piles of firewood inside and outside your home.

Odorous House Ants

How to Identify Them

Odorous house ants are very small, ranging from 1/16 of an inch to ⅛ of an inch, and are brown or black. They tend to stick around water inside homes and underneath wood outside of homes. They are also known for their sweet-tooth. They love sweets, honeydew being their favorite.

How to Prevent Odorous House Ants

Odorous house ants often hang out in trees, and they use the branches to get into homes. If you have tree limbs hovering over your home, cutting them down would prevent them from getting inside your home. They are tiny so they can get in homes through small cracks. Be sure to seal them. They like to build nests in firewood, so avoid storing wood near your home.

Fire Ants

How to Identify Them

Fire ants are easier to identify than carpenter ants and odorous ants because of their red color. Their length ranges from ⅛ of an inch to ⅜ of an inch. Fire ants build large two to four feet wide mounds where they nest. Unlike most ants that just bite, fire ants sting. We don’t recommend bothering their nests because you’ll leave with several swollen, red welts.

How to Prevent Fire Ants

If you don’t bother fire ants, they won’t bother you. If you stay away from their mounds, they shouldn’t cause any commotion. If you’re concerned about them finding their way into your home, seal all cracks in the structure.

If you find yourself concerned about an ant infestation and none of the preventative measures have been successful, the wisest thing to do would be to get professional help. Waynes enviropest program uses environmentally sound pest control products, and we are experts in turning homes pest-free. We understand the importance of peace of mind and would like to gift it to you by providing quality pest control service from a reliable company. Contact us for more information.

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