Does your yard need a little more personality? We love to talk about how Waynes can make your lawn a beautiful “sea of green,” but the occasional tree or shrub can take your yard from well-groomed to eye-catching.
Landscaping doesn’t have to add a lot of work to your lawn care routine! We compiled a list of some of the southeast’s favorite low-maintenance trees and shrubs to help “spruce” up your yard.
Japanese Maple Trees
Japanese maple trees are known for their vibrant foliage. There are hundreds of Japanese maple varieties with differing sizes, leaf shapes, and colors ranging from shades of green to orange, red, purple, and much in between.
However, what’s standard across all Japanese maple trees is that they are exceptionally low maintenance. These trees can adapt to various soil types and light conditions. Their only aversion is to extremely hot or cold regions.
You can choose a style and size to fit your yard aesthetic, and your Japanese maple will be happy and healthy in its new home.
Crepe Myrtle Trees
Crepe myrtles are adored for their long summer blooming period. You can enjoy their pink, red, and white flower clusters for up to four months.
These trees require annual pruning to promote growth but are great at withstanding harsh conditions. They also thrive in humid weather, which is excellent news for those in the southeast.
Redbud Trees
Redbuds are medium-sized trees that grow beautiful spring flowers. Because they are heat, drought, insect, and disease resistant, not much will faze these trees. Their only preferences are well-drained soil and a partly shaded location. Redbuds also provide a lovely shade of their own!
You can find redbuds that produce deep red, bright yellow, or tri-colored foliage.
Some of these trees and shrubs can be damaged by soft scale. Learn about this pest here!
Arborvitae Trees
The two most common arborvitae trees are Berkman’s Golden and Emerald Green. Berkman’s Golden trees are often 5 to 6 feet tall, whereas the Emerald Green trees can reach up to 15 feet. Their famous conical shape and bright green color make them great for decor or screens around your home.
Once established, these trees prefer full sun or light shade and need minimal water.
Boxwood Shrubs
Like Arborvitae, there are several species of Boxwood shrubs. We especially love the Baby Gem and Winterstar Boxwoods. Both grow roughly 4 feet tall and need full sun to part shade to thrive.
These compact green shrubs are durable, attractive, and work beautifully as a border or focal point in your yard.
Camellia Shrubs
Camellias are a great choice if you’re looking for a flowering shrub. They usually bloom closer to the fall and winter months, providing a nice color when other plants may start to hibernate. Camellias are great planting partners for azaleas, but otherwise, they prefer little competition from other plants’ roots.
There are several different sizes of camellia shrubs, and they only need to be pruned occasionally to control their size and maintain their shape.
Hydrangea Bushes
Hydrangea bushes are very popular across the southeast because of their large, long-lasting flower clusters that take the spotlight in the summer. Hydrangeas can be blue, pink, white, or sometimes purple. They only have moderate water needs and thrive when they get sunny mornings and shady afternoons.
Deadheading hydrangeas will keep the plants blooming into fall. Plus, the cut heads are great for indoor vases!
Caring for Your Low Maintenance Trees & Shrubs
Just because these trees and shrubs aren’t too picky, doesn’t mean that some simple lawn care and maintenance won’t help them grow better than ever.
Waynes Tree and Shrub Care Solution includes Seasonal Tree and Shrub Treatments throughout the year to ensure your landscaping is always vibrant and healthy.
Contact us today for a quote, or call us at 866.WAYNES1.