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Roach Exterminator in Huntsville AL

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When you’re looking for professional cockroach pest control services in Huntsville—and you want the experienced, trustworthy choice—choose Waynes Pest Control. We’ve provided pest control services for families and businesses since 1973, serving more than 150,000 customers—and we’ve got an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. Our courteous specialists are well trained at Waynes University, including in our environmentally friendly approach to efficiently tackle roaches and how to provide second-to-none customer service.

Whether you have German cockroaches, American cockroaches, smoky brown roaches, or another species of this awful pest, you already know that roaches are one of the worst species to have invading your Huntsville home or business. There are more than twenty-five native species of cockroaches in our region—and you don’t want any of them to show up at your place. As part of our cockroach control services, regardless of their species, we’ll take an integrated pest management (IPM) approach.

IPM involves the use of environmentally friendly, sustainable treatments such as the feed traps that Waynes Pest Control uses and the cockroaches consume. The pests ingest and take the bait to the true source of the roach infestation—their colony—to eliminate the entire problem.

In other words, at Waynes Pest Control, we don’t call it a day after only taking care of a few roaches. Instead, our professionals take Huntsville pest control for roaches seriously and work to remove the entire colony so that your home is free from roaches for the foreseeable future. Need to get rid of a roach infestation fast? Contact us! You can reach us online or call us at (256) 461-7863 for a free estimate.

Most commonly, you’ll see roaches scurrying around your property. If you see one or two of these creepy crawlies, there’s likely to be an entire roach infestation (or a presence that’s rapidly turning into one) as they multiply quite quickly.

Other than spotting these insects, you may see their black or brown droppings, and when you’re near cabinets and other places where food is being stored, you may spot their egg capsules. There are also cockroach pheromones that can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms.

Cockroaches are nearly indestructible troublemakers. Businesses, especially restaurants, have to close when roaches are spotted because of the health hazards and diseases they carry. Similarly, roaches can spread the same diseases in Huntsville homes. These include cholera, salmonella, dysentery, typhoid fever, listeriosis, the plague, and even leprosy.

Once these nasty critters get into your home or business, getting rid of the cockroach infestation can be challenging. Fortunately, our expert technicians provide comprehensive Huntsville pest control for roaches as the most effective solution.

Although you can find these troublesome pests just about anywhere, they do tend to gravitate to places with warmer weather—and our state certainly fits the bill. Our team is familiar with all twenty-five species of cockroaches, including the commonly found German cockroaches, American cockroaches, smoky brown roaches, oriental cockroaches, and brown-banded cockroaches.

Once cockroaches get into your home or business, it’s often too late to solve the problem by yourself. For the fastest and most effective eradication, contact us for professional Huntsville pest control for roaches. If you don’t have a roach presence yet, take proactive steps to prevent the problem, which involves making sure that there isn’t anything on your property that would interest them. Here are pro tips from the Waynes Pest Control team:

  • Clean up immediately after eating. This includes putting leftovers away and washing cooking utensils and dishes.
  • Vacuum, mop, and sanitize your home every week.
  • When you’re decluttering, get rid of cardboard and paper as well as other materials that the roaches can use for shelter.
  • Place leftovers in airtight containers.
  • Take out your trash regularly, placing it in tightly lidded garbage cans.
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Cockroaches Go—and Stay Gone—With Waynes Cockroach Pest Control

Cockroaches are some of the world’s hardiest bugs, and they’ve had plenty of time to evolve into a difficult species to destroy. Rumor has it that they could even survive a nuclear fallout. And it’s been shown that roaches can survive up to a week without a head! So, given this information, it’s easy to see why spraying visible cockroaches with store-bought chemicals is not the most effective approach for eradicating them.

At Waynes Pest Control, we use environmentally friendly bait as part of our process for Huntsville roach control. Cockroaches will share the bait they find with others in the colony, which allows us to eliminate the roach infestation in a short amount of time.

Call us at (256-461-7863) or reach out to Waynes online for cockroach pest control that works.

Have A Question? Call Us Today!

Huntsville Cockroach Control FAQs:

The size and scope of your roach infestation, along with the species and where they’re hiding, can play a role in the length of time required. Fortunately, Waynes provides the most efficient cockroach pest control services available today—ones that are also environmentally friendly and sustainable. For a prompt solution to your cockroach problem, just reach out to us online or call us at (256) 461-7863.

A roach infestation, by definition, means that there are at least 10-25 roaches in one place. If you didn’t see them, you’d almost certainly notice their brown or black droppings; possibly smell a musty odor; and probably see oily smears on your baseboards.

If you’re wondering what type of roach infestation you have, here are some notes that can help you identify. There are several different species of cockroaches and they vary slightly in appearance. In general, they’re dark brown with bodies that are oval and flat. Their heads are small and come with a shield-like covering. Roaches scurry on six long, spiny legs.

Looking more specifically at the types of cockroaches most common in Huntsville, German cockroaches as adults have light brown to tan coloration along with two parallel stripes: dark and located on their backs. They have wings, but would rather run than use them. The brown-banded cockroaches are notable for their small size: about 10 to 14 mm in length, the males are more slender than their female counterparts.

In general, the roach infestation’s size and scope play a role in the answer to this question. To find out information about your specific situation, please contact our Huntsville roach control experts. We’ll provide a comprehensive property inspection and a customized plan for your home. Our professional specialist will share the details about how we’ll get rid of these dreaded critters as quickly as possible and will take time to answer all of your questions.

A comprehensive approach—which is what we take at Waynes Pest Control! The reality is that 95 percent of cockroach problems start outdoors, so we create a ten-foot perimeter around your house, treat it through our exclusion techniques, and brush off your home’s exterior. Inside, we use environmentally friendly treatments in critical areas of your house to exterminate them. Our treatments, combined with using prevention techniques going forward, will help to keep these nasty invaders out for good.

Because roach infestations can come in a range of population numbers, species, and levels of entrenchment in your home, no two situations are ever exactly alike. This is why Waynes Pest Control provides personalized solutions for cockroach pest control that will efficiently take care of your problems in ways that fit your budget. To get a no-obligation quote to address your roach infestation, contact us for environmentally friendly Huntsville pest control for roaches that really works.

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