Insights, Tips, and Tales

How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs In Your Home


How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs In Your Home

College gameday dominates household activities in the fall around the Southeast. While this may be one of the best parts about the change in weather, it’s not all cookouts and bonfires.

Fall brings outside invaders in with the welcomed guests. Pests, like the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, can create a pretty stinky situation. A stink bug produces an odor worse than a gym bag from the first week of school.


What is a Stink Bug?

Stink bugs are an invasive species from Southeast Asia. In America, these pests were first found in Allentown, Pennsylvania. While known to cause damage to crops, stink bugs are non-toxic to humans, even if they produce a smell that can clear the whole house – a stinky situation indeed.

Stink bugs are small, triangular-shaped insects. Their shape is made by tucking their wings back over their bodies. They have a greyish brown color with spots along their backs. Two long antennae, those feelers coming out of a stink bug’s head, separate them from other insects as well. Adult stink bugs are about 3/4″ long, and their six legs extend from the sides, making the adult bugs appear even larger.

During the fall, stink bugs invade houses for warmth and protection against cold weather. If you notice several live or dead stink bugs, you likely have an infestation. One good place to check is the side of your home that gets the most sun. Because they are looking for warmth, they are often found soaking in the sun. If they have already made it inside, check your windows and window sills!

Growers often detect an infestation by the damage they cause to their crops. Stink bugs are attracted to fresh fruit, so if you have these tasty treats growing in your garden, keep an extra eye out for hungry stink bugs. Learn more about stink bugs here! 


Waynes has several options for controlling your stinky situation with these bugs. Call Waynes at 866-WAYNES1 or contact us here! 


Why Do Stink Bugs Stink?

Stink bugs are aptly named. The stinky situation is caused by threatening or crushing them. The offensive smell is the stink bug’s defense mechanism. In the wild, such a smell prevents attacks from predators. The “stink” is a smelly chemical produced from a gland on their abdomen. Some species of stink bug can actually spray this chemical up to several inches. Some people have compared the smell to herbs and spices like cilantro and coriander. The worst part? The smell can linger for hours.

So, avoid stepping on them or hitting them with a fly swatter.


How Can You Prevent Stink Bugs?

The first step is preventing entry into the home. Since stink bugs move indoors during fall’s cooler temperatures, a new layer of silicone caulk around windows and doors limits the entry points. Also, any tears in screens in windows or doors should be replaced or repaired.

Other common entry points include electrical outlets, light switches, ceiling fans, skylights, and ceiling light fixtures. Stink bugs are attracted to light and may be drawn to your exterior lighting at night. If you have an infestation, consider changing your bulbs to yellow-light or turning off unnecessary lighting after dark.

Once stink bugs are inside, a vacuum cleaner will efficiently remove them without triggering their odor. After vacuuming, it is a good idea to empty the bag or filter outside as quickly as possible. Find more steps for removing stink bugs here.

If you notice signs of an infestation in your home workplace, the best way to get rid of this stinky situation is to call a pest control professional. We know a thing or two about stink bugs and can also pre-treat for these pests! Contact us for more information! 


Stink Bugs Aren’t the Only Fall Invaders

Unfortunately, fall tends to bring many unwanted guests. Ants and termites also seek the warmth of homes during the cooling weather. Learn more about other potential home invaders in this post! 


But the good news is, Waynes can handle all your pest control needs. Call Waynes at 866-WAYNES1 or contact us for a free pest consultation no matter the pest control problem!

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