Pest Control

Cockroach Exterminator in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Florida Panhandle


Cockroach Pest Control

Among the most notable facts about cockroaches is they can live weeks without water, a month without food, and SEVEN DAYS WITHOUT THEIR HEAD! Simply put, it isn’t easy to get rid of roaches.

With a love for warm habitats that provide access to food and water, cockroaches are most often found inside, you know, where we people live and work. They frequently find their way indoors through drains and pipes, then set up camp in dark, wet areas, such as a basement. But that’s just where they stay when off the clock. Otherwise, they’ll prowl around, looking for food and water, inadvertently making a mess of things wherever they go.

Not only are they gross, but cockroaches can aggravate allergies and trigger asthma attacks, especially for young children. These nasty insects can also carry and spread over 30 different types of bacteria, contaminating any open food with which they come in contact.

What’s worse? If you see one cockroach, that’s just the tip of this trashy iceberg. Female roaches can birth over 100 offspring in a single year, creating a full-blown infestation in no time.

Common Types of Cockroaches in AL, MS, TN, and the FL Panhandle

Seeing roaches in your home or business? If you’re in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, or the Florida Panhandle, you’re likely dealing with one of these six common cockroach species. Identifying the type of roach infestation can help you take the right steps toward effective roach control.

  • American cockroach: These are the largest of the house-invading roaches, ranging in size from 1 1/4” to 2 1/8”. Oval and reddish-brown with yellowish lines on the backs of their heads, these winged, six-legged critters can fly short distances. They prefer environments that are moist, dark, and warm with temps of 70-80 degrees F.
  • Asian cockroach: This species is light brown in hue with two parallel lines behind their heads. Smaller than the American cockroach, they reach about 1/2" or a bit longer. They’re also attracted to shaded, moist areas and look quite similar to the German cockroach, but they’re strong flyers with an attraction toward lights.
  • Brown-banded cockroach: As the name suggests, these are brown roaches with prominent banding. Also about 1/2” long, brown-banded cockroaches are oval-shaped with six legs. Because they’re typically nocturnal, they can be hard to spot; if you do see them, they’ll often be in your kitchen or bathroom in higher, dryer places than many other species. Males have full wings, while the darker female has stunted wings that don’t allow her to fly.
  • German cockroach: Similar in appearance to the Asian cockroach, the German cockroach is the most common species in the world. Drawn to warm, humid places, they’re often found in kitchens (where they’ll eat just about anything) and bathrooms. Sometimes, this species will migrate from building to building rather than staying put. 
  • Oriental cockroach: Black (or a dark reddish-brown), shiny, and about 1” long, this oval-shaped critter is sometimes referred to as a black beetle roach or a water bug because of its appreciation for damp areas such as basements and crawl spaces. Although males have wings, females do not; neither can fly.
  • Smokey brown cockroach: These shiny mahogany roaches can be longer than 1” with wings longer than their bodies. They can fly well, hiding during the day and being active at night. They prefer places with high humidity and are therefore attracted to standing water and leaks.

With most species, warm, humid climates — such as those found in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Florida Panhandle — will attract cockroaches. As the climate changes, these areas will likely continue to become warmer and wetter and, therefore, appeal to roaches.

So how do you keep the roaches out? Keep reading to learn more about the best roach prevention strategies and how Waynes Pest Control can help you eliminate and prevent infestations in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Florida Panhandle!


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Why Cockroach Control Is Important

Roaches carry and can spread disease-causing bacteria such as those causing salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus and can, according to Better Health, “harbor viruses such as the polio virus.” This health site also points out something unpleasant. The cockroach will eat just about anything in its path, including feces. The bacteria they ingest can stay in their digestive system for months to years. So when the roach vomits or lays its waste on people’s food supplies, the pathogens are passed along and can trigger the corresponding disease if people unsuspectingly eat the food. Cockroaches can also trigger allergies and asthma and are just undesirable to have around. Not surprisingly, some people have cases of katsaridaphobia: a phobia of cockroaches. Put all of that together, and it’s clear why cockroach pest control is so important.

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How to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Some of the ways to discourage roaches from entering your home include:

  • Keeping your home or business clean and dry
  • Keeping food in tightly sealed containers
  • Washing dishes frequently so food won’t sit out on counters or in the sink
  • Keeping your garbage covered and taken out regularly
  • Vacuuming your living and working spaces, and generally keeping things clean
  • Seal cracks and crevices that allow entry from the outside to indoor spaces
  • Remove anything roaches can use for shelter, such as cardboard and paper.


It’s not easy to crush these bugs once they’ve made their way in. Bottom line is cockroaches are typically more tenacious than us humans. In short, it takes hard-earned expertise and the right tools to truly eliminate an infestation. That’s where our roach pest control experts at Waynes Pest Control come in…


Check Out These Article About Cockroach

How can you prevent these roaches from coming into your home?

How can you prevent these roaches from coming into your home?

Believe it or not, cockroaches are very important to our environment. Not only are the key contributors to nutrient recycling, but they also provide a steady food source for our local wildlife...

Believe it or not, cockroaches are very important to our environment. Not only are the key contributors to nutrient recycling, but they also provide a steady food source for our local wildlife...

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Waynes Cockroach Treatment

For a comprehensive, effective, and lasting solution to get rid of cockroaches, call Waynes and our cockroach exterminators! Our Service Professionals can identify your treatment needs and ensure your home, business, and other properties are roach-free.

By setting bait traps in just the right locations, roaches will come across the lethal feed inside and carry it back to their colony to be shared with other roaches. The effect is extermination across the colony.

Choose Waynes for Your Cockroach Pest Control

If you spot a roach or two in your home, you may have many more lurking in dark places (and, let’s face it, who wants even a few roaches in their house?). Our trained pest control professionals have helped more than 150,000 households with their pest problems, and our cockroach exterminators are prepared to tackle even your toughest pest challenges in safe, effective ways. Our A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau highlights our commitment to helping people live pest-free lives. After our roach pest control takes care of your immediate concerns, we’ll happily turn our attention to keeping pests out of your home through our regular pest control services.

Besides our cockroach pest control, Waynes offers EnviroPest solutions that protect you and your home, 24/7, throughout all the seasons. With our rodent monitoring, we’ll keep your house and perimeter free from rats and mice. Plus, we provide protection from biting, often disease-carrying mosquitoes that make it difficult to enjoy being outdoors, along with tick and flea protection. Waynes will also protect your home from termites that chew on wooden structures of houses around the clock, causing serious, expensive damage. Contact us today!


Waynes Cockroach Treatment


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